Another successful field season for IceCube Upgrade.
A view of the IceCube Lab with the heated structures from the second field season for the IceCube Upgrade. Credit: Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF
Neutrinos (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of the Milky Way.
Neutrinos (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of the Milky Way. Image credit: IceCube Collaboration/Science Communication Lab for CRC 1491
#IceCube10 – Celebrating 10 Years of IceCube
#IceCube10 – Celebrating 10 Years of IceCube
IceCube Explained
What exactly is IceCube? How does it use the South Pole ice to see neutrinos from outer space? Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF
Research Highlights
From neutrino physics to glaciology to dark matter, IceCube science spans a variety of fields.
Meet the Collaboration
The IceCube Collaboration includes hundreds of people from around the world. Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF
Activities and Resources
Learn more about IceCube by playing a game, making crafts, or reading our comic!
Working at the Pole
IceCube science begins at the South Pole. Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF
Since November of last year, a team of IceCube engineers and scientists have been hard at work during the second of three consecutive field seasons for the IceCube Upgrade. Over the course of the season, 37 team members, including 27 drill engineers and 10 installation and operations experts, were deployed [...]
Neutrinos are weakly interacting particles that are able to travel unhindered through the cosmos. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, embedded in a cubic kilometer of Antarctic ice, searches for neutrinos and captures them at different energies. By measuring the entire spectrum of astrophysical neutrinos, scientists can gain insights into the origin [...]
A small plane found itself parked in behind some other aircraft at the South Pole last week, but it was next in line to depart. Instead of moving the planes in front of it out of the way, they found a simpler solution by attaching the tail wheel of the [...]